Kaduna Park Resident Picnic Day - Community Story

On Saturday the 2nd of March, Kaduna Park had a resident picnic day, hosted by Parklea Real Estate, which featured food, entertainment and fun activities for the whole family!

Your Story Studios was invited to capture moments from the day to create a short highlight video, which can be distributed on Parklea’s social media pages, e-mail campaigns and website.

We combined video, timelapse and interviews to tell this story in an engaging way. Using multiple presenters keeps the video fresh, plus interviewing residents is an effective way to show excitement.

Nathan using the Panasonic EVA1 with Canon 70-200mm F2.8 lens

Nathan using the Panasonic EVA1 with Canon 70-200mm F2.8 lens

The iFootage Shark Slider mini with motion control module, using the Panasonic GH4 with a 12-35mm F2.8 lens

The iFootage Shark Slider mini with motion control module, using the Panasonic GH4 with a 12-35mm F2.8 lens

We used the Rode NTG3 microphone for all our interviews

We used the Rode NTG3 microphone for all our interviews

A highlight video is an excellent way to document your business’s event, but also helps promote future events your company may host.

If you’re interested in having a highlight video created for your next event, contact Your Story Studios today!

Nathan Younghusband